Gamers Are Once Again Angry Because A Video Game Will Have Women In It

In news that should surprise absolutely no one, gamers are angry about something stupid. Battlefield V was revealed yesterday, and people are upset over various things like an underwhelming trailer and various design choices. However, what really stands out is the fact that Battlefield V will include women as playable characters, and many gamers are really pissed off because of it.

Seeing this triggered many gamers


For the record, I am not a Battlefield fan, so I can’t exactly offer my thoughts on the trailer or the changes to the gameplay. But come on now. Is having women as playable characters in a video game really that offending to these people? This is pathetic.

You will hear screams of “Muh immersion!” or “Not Historically Accurate!” in regards to having women in Battlefield V, but last I checked, women did serve in World War II. While yes, it is true that most women did not serve on the front lines, at the end of the day, does it really matter?

It’s a video game. A video game, mind you, where you can get shot in the leg and keep running as if nothing happened, or where you can die and get revived by a teammate in a matter of seconds. This isn’t supposed to be a hyper-realistic depiction of World War II. It is a video game in a World War II setting. That’s it.

One thing I find funny is that on the Standard Edition box art, the “V” in Battlefield V looks like it is an arrow pointing at the woman’s crotch. I wish I was kidding.

Part of me thinks DICE did this intentionally

If a video game having women in it bothers you that much, then you need to get your priorities in order, because this is nothing to be outraged about. I would say that we as humans are better than this, but since this is not the first time that something like this has happened, clearly we are not.

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