Coming Soon: Late To The Party Reviews!

I originally wanted to review new games, but then I figured, why limit myself to only new games? I got things to say about older games too!

Introducing what I will be calling, Late to the Party Reviews!

Why late to the party, you ask? Well, these reviews will be for older games that I have recently played for the first time. Therefore, they will be reviewed by today’s standards by someone playing those games for the first time. By reading these reviews, you can learn how these older games hold up compared to modern video games.

Also, the bulk of these reviews will be of games from the PS3/Xbox 360 era, so don’t expect to see some real old-school video games being reviewed. This is simply because the only old-school console I have is an original PlayStation, but I don’t have any games for it anyway. I may throw in a few PS2-era games, but like I said, it will mostly be games from the PS3/Xbox 360 era.

So stay tuned! The first review will be for… Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune! You can expect it to be up here within the week.

I will also be posting my thoughts on E3 after it’s all said and done, so keep an eye out for that as well!

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